Sunday, May 17, 2020

George Orwell’s 1984 and Stalin’s Russia Essay - 2140 Words

In George Orwell’s 1984, the strategies used by Oceania’s Political Party to achieve total control over the population are similar to the ones employed by Joseph Stalin during his reign. Indeed, the tactics used by Oceania’s Party truly depicts the brutal totalitarian society of Stalin’s Russia. In making a connection between Stalin’s Russia and Big Brothers’ Oceania, each Political Party implements a psychological and physical manipulation over society by controlling the information and the language with the help of technology. Many features of Orwells imaginary super-state Oceania are ironic translations from Stalin’s Russia. In Oceania, the Party mainly uses technology as the chief ingredient to implement a psychological†¦show more content†¦For example, when Winston sits down to write in his dairy, he writes â€Å"in sheer panic, only perfectly aware of what he was setting down† (Orwell, 11). In this instance, Winst on is afraid of the act of writing in a dairy, but he decides to do so in sheer panic. This results as the effect of Oceania’s Party psychological manipulation of the mind. Every time a person decides to do something, they will have a sheer image of the poster and the caption â€Å"Big Brother Is Watching You† in the back of their heads. Hence, this action limits the person capability to act freely and express their inner sentiments. (Critical Reception, 11-23) Alike, â€Å"The Poster† was the most prominent form of psychological manipulation during Stalins reign. Until World War I the poster had avoided social themes. However, as Stalin’s Russia rose to war and as a world power, the posters took a turn to be commercial and cultural, an attempt to develop an expanding market and advertise various entertainments. The posters of World War II took on a new task: to mobilize the population in support of the war effort. Stalin’s Posters featured themes of mobilizing the armed forces, reconstructing the economy, as well as various specific war time problems. It was at this point that the government began to make efforts to â€Å"shape public opinion† and â€Å"arouse patriotic feelings†. The government assigned this task to the mass media. Every political event in Russia found resonance inShow MoreRelatedJoseph Stalin And 1984847 Words   |  4 PagesOceania in George Orwell’s 1984 and Joseph Stalin†™s Soviet Republic. When looking at the way Stalin ran his regime, as well as the effect it had on the citizens of the nation, it’s clear to see that Orwell may have drawn inspiration from Stalin’s Soviet Union when designing the fictitious Oceania. The quality of living in the Soviet Union at the time was almost identical to that portrayed in 1984. 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Mr. Bond-Theriault. 2Nd Period. 22 March1623 Words   |  7 PagesMarch 2017 1984 By: George Orwell From a new historicism , and psychoanalytic criticism view. â€Å"Big Brother is Watching You† As the future nears, most of humanity is starting to realize that â€Å"2+2=5†(. There is manipulation that occurs constructed by the government to control every aspect of reality, technology taking human jobs, those who control the present write history, social hierarchy, and wars that have no purpose. 1984 by Eric Arthur Blair is known by his pen name, George Orwell may notRead MoreGeorge Orwell and Animal Farm and 19841008 Words   |  5 Pages George Orwell and Animal Farm and 1984 nbsp; George Orwell is only a pen name. The man behind the classics Animal Farm and 1984 was named Eric Arthur Blair and was born to a middle class family living in Bengal in 1903. Eric Blair got his first taste of class prejudice at a young age when his mother forced him to abandon his playmates, which were plumbers children (Crick 9). He could then play only with the other children in the family, all of whom were at least five years older or youngerRead MoreThe Threat of Love in Orwell’s Novel 1984 Essays1339 Words   |  6 Pagessociety, love between two individuals is eliminated because only a relationship between the person and the party and a love for its leader can exist. The totalitarian society depicted throughout the Orwell’s novel 1984 has created a concept of an Orwellian society. Joseph Stalin’s Soviet regime in Russia can be described as Orwellian. The imaginary world of Oceania draws many parallels to the modern day totalitarian regime established by Stalin. For example, in the novel it was the desire of the Party

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Constitution Of The Amendment - 2425 Words

We, the People, have for too long ignored the framers intent on the relationship between the separation of powers between the Federal and State government. The abdication of responsibility for protecting the 10th amendment, not only by our elected officials but by citizens as well, deviates the subtle balance of power in our nation to a detrimental state. The United States of America is just that, united States, that have the power to legislate for their constituents any laws not delegated to the Federal government inside the Constitution. With the overreach of the Federal government using the Commerce Clause, the Necessary and Proper Clause, enacting the 17th amendment, and using the â€Å"power of the purse† the 10th amendment stands as a former shadow of itself being regulated to a pawn piece in political maneuvers to show voters that individual State Senators still hold sway in protecting State’s rights. We should adhere to the original intent of the 10th amendme nt the State’s rights, which include everything not enumerated by the Constitution in Article I, will not be diluted or taken away by a central planner whose bureaucracy and laws could end in tyranny if ignored. When the Bill of Rights were ratified, explicit rights were given to citizens in the first nine amendments, with the 10th amendment dictating any power the federal government did not have were the powers of the State. Our Framers never envisioned a strong central government and instead chose a nationShow MoreRelatedThe Amendment Of The Constitution959 Words   |  4 PagesThe Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution is considered by many to be the catchall amendment within the reconstruction amendments that passed not long after the Civil War. Its due process and especially the equal protection clause have single handily changed the course of American History for all eternity. I believe that there are several key issues that plague the way our highest court appro aches matters of sexual orientation and other issues as well. In this document I intend to explore whatRead More Amendments to the Constitution Essay1290 Words   |  6 PagesThe framers of our Constitution knew that time has a way of changing countries and their citizens. Our country was in a whirlwind of change in 1789 as people were experiencing freedom from the tyranny of England for the first time in their lives. Our country was being molded and formed into a great nation by the founding fathers. Expectations and rules had to be set to protect the rights of the minorities and majorities. Amendments to the Constitution were written to ensure equality for all in changingRead MoreThe Fourth Amendment Of The Constitution1107 Words   |  5 PagesThe Fourth Amendment of the Constitution was ratified in 1791 and is an important amendment in the Bill of Rights. The Fourth Amendment is â€Å"the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, again st unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized† (Charles Wetterer). The issueRead MoreAmendments of the U.S. Constitution1917 Words   |  8 PagesAmendments of the U.S. Constitution HIS/301 Amendments of the U.S. Constitution The United States Constitution is a beloved document of this country. In this document many powers, liberties, and freedoms are given to the citizens of the United States of America. These citizens were first made up of immigrants or settlers from England who wanted a place to live without fear of death, and freedom of liberties. The people who made up the first colonies of the America’s fought long and hard throughRead MoreThe Second Amendment of the Constitution491 Words   |  2 Pages The Second Amendment nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.† nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This timeless phrase, the Second Amendment of the United States’ Constitution, is an enduring example of the principles and ideals that our country was founded on. With this statement, the founders of this country explicitly and perpetually guaranteed the American individualRead MoreThe Fourth Amendment Of The Constitution1365 Words   |  6 Pages Homework 1 1. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S Constitution says, â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or afï ¬ rmationRead MoreAmendments to the National Constitution2556 Words   |  10 PagesBackground - In the U.S. legal system, the Constitution forms the basic template for legal theory and management of law. This document formed the bases for the U.S. government and defined the three main sections: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. We must remember, too, that the idea of this constitution of removing ties to a monarchy and setting up a separate government by the people, for the people, was a very radical idea in the 18th century and had a background not only in the various documentsRead MoreThe Fourteenth Amendment Of The Constitution2057 Words   |  9 PagesFourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendm ents are a really big part of the Constitution for slavery and about the equal rights in the United States. The government created the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment to allow racial equality in the United States by freeing all of the slaves, giving them the right to get citizenship, and the right to vote. I will be talking about each Amendment and how they were formed and also why. The Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution says, â€Å"Section 1. NeitherRead MoreThe 18th Amendment of the Constitution1875 Words   |  8 PagesThe 18th amendment of the constitution Prohibition was introduced to all American states apart from Maryland in 1920. Prohibition was the banning of alcohol; you could be arrested for sale, manufacture and transportation of alcohol. There were many factors that influenced the introduction of prohibition. One of the main factors was the temperance movement’s two examples of this Were the anti-saloon league and Women’s Christian temperance movement. The temperance movements were at the strongestRead MoreThe Fifth Amendment Of The Constitution1009 Words   |  5 PagesThe sixth amendment of the constitution guarantees a criminal defendant trial by an impartial jury of their peers. Jury selection is a little more complex than sending out jury duty notices and going to trial, it has its own process to ensure all is fair. The Jury is a pertinent part of the judicial process and a key piece to upholding justice. Juries are selected from the general population; they are to be a representation of the people from that area. In trials with a jury, the first step is the

Investigation of Integrated Contingency Model †

Question: Discuss about the Investigation of Integrated Contingency Model. Answer: Introduction: This report depict about a business plan and the financial and marketing feasibility of a comapny. In this report, the performance of the finance and market has been evaluated on basis of various strategies and techniques which would helot eh entrepreneur to make a better decision about the implementation of the business. For this report, assistance has been taken from various sources so that a better business plan could be made and the feasibility analysis is also done in a good and proper manner. Business plan is the blueprint of a new start up in which entire aspects and the related factors are stated properly and it has been evaluated that what would be the products of the comapny, where would the comapny sell it product, what would be the target market, how much cost is required etc. at the same time, feasibility is a process which is done to identify that whether the business would be able to meet all the expected requirement in the market or in terms of finance or in terms of technology etc. Business plan depict about a start up in the hospitality industry. This business plan has been prepared to start a restaurant in the Australian market by the name of Food Planet. This restaurant would be start in a shopping mall so that the footfall of the business would be higher. The main products of this restaurant would be beverages and the fast food. This restaurant would sell out the healthy choices in the food to its clients. Mainly, this business plan would offer the high profit and more clients to the comapny. The business would focus mainly over the youth and the children to enhance the target market (Ward, 2012). This business plan mainly depict that the business would be started at the time of Christmas so that the advertising and promotion of the company could be done in a better way. For the site selection, it is important for the business to evaluate and analyze the competitors and the products offered by the competitors (Cadez and Guilding, 2008). Further, the business plan expresses that the process of implementing this business would start from the month of the Oct but the sales of the restaurant would start from the December and the sales of the food and the meal would enhance day by day. The fixed cost of the comapny would be lesser as the less space is required by the restaurant to start up tie business and labour of the comapny would also be lesser to manage the cost of the comapny. For this business report, marketing strategies has been evaluated and it has been found that how the business must be implemented in the market and set a better position in the market and in the mind of the customers so that the better market position could be found through the company. The following marketing strategies could be adopted by the comapny to manage the marketing position and set a better market for the FOOD PLANET: Firstly, the business is required to set the price of the food and its beverages in such a manner that the entire market and opportunities could be grabbed in the market. The comapny is suggested to adopt the competitive pricing strategy. This strategy depict that the price must be set according to the market condition. This strategy would help the comapny to grab more opportunities from the market (Simmonds, 2010). Further, the business is required to set the business at a location from the entire market and opportunities could be grabbed in the market. The comapny is suggested to adopt the target strategy. This strategy depict that the comapny must start the business at the place from where the target market could be grabbed easily (Shim, Siegel and Shim, 2011). In addition, the business is required to set the promotional strategy of the food and its beverages in such a manner that the entire market and opportunities could be grabbed in the market. The comapny is suggested to adopt the print media to promote the business. This strategy depict that the comapny could take the help of Flyers, newspapers, magazines etc. to promote the business (Weaver, Weston and Weaver, 2001). This strategy would help the comapny to grab more opportunities from the market. Lastly, the business is required to analyze and set the products and the drinks in such a manner that the competitive product could be offered in the market. The comapny is suggested to do the competitive analysis and set the products list accordingly. This strategy depict that the product must be set according to the market condition (Hoque, 2002). This strategy would help the comapny to grab more opportunities from the market. Financial feasibility is the process in which it is identified that whether the business would be able to meet the entire expected requirement in the market or in terms of finance? Would the profitability of the comapny be according to the expectation? (Hansen, Mowen and Guan, 2007) How the performance of the comapny would would be in terms of finance etc. This feasibility study has been done to analyze and identify the performance of the new business in the Australian market. According to this report, it has been analyzed that it is required for every business to identify and analyze the financial feasibility so that the goals and objectives of the comapny could be got easily. Break up analysis is a study which is performance by the companies and the start up to analyze the minimum sales which must be done to reach over a point where the loss and profit of the comapny would be nil. It is the point where the company would not face nay loss. At this point, the revenues and the expenses of the comapny are at equilibrium point. This report explains the user about the minimum sales. The calculations of breakeven point are as follows: calculation of break even analysis Total Per unit Contribution $ 2,76,000 9.2 Fixed cost $ 1,80,000 $ 1,80,000 Break even 0.652173913 19565.2174 In amount In units This breakeven point depict that the comapny is required to sell at least 19,565 units of the meal and the food to the clients to reach over a point where the expenses and the revenues of the comapny would be similar. This report depict that it becomes important for every company to analyze this point (Bromwich and Bhimani, 2005). In this start up, the contribution of the comapny would be $ 2,76,000 and $ 9.2 per unit. The fixed cost of the comapny would be $ 1,80,000 which depict that the comapny is required to earn that much amount that the fixed cost could be covered and if the comapny would sell more than 19565 units than the comapny would be able to earn profits (Garrison et al, 2010). This depict that at the initial stage, comapny must be concerned about the breakeven point but after a period of time, when this level has been achieved, comapny must enhance the level of the sales so that the profits could be earned by the company. After analyzing the breakeven level, the profitability position of the comapny has been analyzed that depict that once the comapny reach over a point where the expenses and the revenues of the company has been equal, it becomes mandatory for the company to think more and enhance the level of the profitability position (Davies and Crawford, 2011). The calculation of the profits of the comapny in next 6 months is as follows: Calculation of profit Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total sales $ 1,35,000 $ 1,35,000 $ 1,35,000 $ 1,35,000 Less: Material 1 Cost 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 Material 2 Cost 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 Labour cost 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 Contribution Less: Fixed cost $ 55,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Profit -99000 -69000 $ 66,000 $ 66,000 $ 66,000 $ 66,000 This profitability position depict that the comapny is required to sell more than 19,565 units of the meal and the food to the clients to enhance the level of the profits in the company. This report depict that it becomes important for every company to make more profits after a period of time (Damodaran, 2011). In this start up, the total sales of the comapny would be start from the December. The fixed cost of the comapny would be different in the first month and from that $ 25,000 would be paid by the comapny. The contribution of the comapny would be different from first two months. According to the evaluation and the calculations, it has been analyzed that the total profits of the comapny would be $ 96000 in 6 months of the comapny (Bodie, 2013). Following table depict about the cash flow of the company: Cash Flow analysis Cash Flow Analysis Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Beginning cash balance -$ 25,000 -$ 1,24,000 -$ 1,93,000 -$ 1,94,500 -$ 1,42,000 -$ 89,500 Add: budgeted cash receipts $ 67,500 $ 1,21,500 $ 1,21,500 $ 1,21,500 Total cash available for use -$ 25,000 -$ 1,24,000 -$ 1,25,500 -$ 73,000 -$ 20,500 $ 32,000 Less: cash disbursements Material 1 Cost $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Material 2 Cost $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 Labour cost $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Fixed cost $ 55,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Total disbursements $ 99,000 $ 69,000 $ 69,000 $ 69,000 $ 69,000 $ 69,000 Cash surplus -$ 1,24,000 -$ 1,93,000 -$ 1,94,500 -$ 1,42,000 -$ 89,500 -$ 37,000 budgeted ending cash balance -$ 1,24,000 -$ 1,93,000 -$ 1,94,500 -$ 1,42,000 -$ 89,500 -$ 37,000 This depict the cash flow position of the comapny must be required to manage in a proper manner. This depict that the financial feasibility of the company must be rectified. Long term goals and exiting strategies: Further, the long term objectives and the strategies for achieving those objectives have been analyzed. Through the business plan, it has been found that the main objective of the comapny is to enhance the level of the sales, make loyal customers mad open franchises in the country. The main function and the goal of the comapny are to enhance the level of the profits and make loyal customers through offering them the best of the products. For achieving the long term goals of the comapny, comapny is required to make various new strategies sand polices such as promotional strategies, products strategies, corporate social responsibilities, sponsorship, best taste, hygienic food etc. These strategies would help the comapny to grab more market share and would help the comapny to achieve the level of the objectives and the goals of the comapny (Horngren, 2009). Further, it has been found that entry and exiting both are easy in a restaurant business. If the FOOD PLANET wants to exit from the industry than it could easily exit from the industry through sell out the shares of the restaurant to someone else or through winding up the restaurant. It is the perfect competition market from where the entry and existing could be done and no special strategies and policies are required to do the same (Kaplan and Atkinson, 2015). Through analyzing the above business plan, calculations, break even analysis, cash flow analysis, profitability position etc, it has been found that the business would perform better in the market. It would be easier for the comapny to reach over a breakeven point and make extra profits from the market (Lumby and Jones, 2007). The comapny is required to set a good strategies plan for the debtors receivable collection as this is impacting over the cash flow of the comapny and due to which the cash flow of the comapny is negative. Further, it has been found that the overall performance of the business would be way better in the Australian market and the goals and objectives of the comapny could be achieved easily and quickly. Further it has been analyzed that various challenges and strategies could be faced by the company. According to this business plan the financial and marketing feasibility of the company depict that the performance and the profitability position of the comapny would be better. Though, it has been found that huge competition is there in the market in the hospitality industry. It would also be tough for the entrepreneur to get the amount for the start up (Moles, Parrino and Kidwekk, 2011). Various shopping malls are already full and thus they do not have space for another stall. Further, it has also been found that the company is required to manage and set the business plan in such a way that the entire Australian people could be the target market. The food and beverages of the restaurant must be in such a manner that it could be liked by the children, youngsters and the old people (Lord, 2007). Through this report, it has been found that the performance and the profitability of the comapny would be way better if the comapny resolve these issues. Rest, the business plan is quite good and would offer the high profits to the comapny in near future. Conclusion: To conclude, this business plan would offer the high profits to the entrepreneur. This study depict that the performance and the position of the comapny depict that the business plan would offer the high returns to the entrepreneur. Further it has been analyzed that various challenges and strategies could be faced by the company. According to this business plan the financial and marketing feasibility of the company depict that the performance and the profitability position of the comapny would be better. Though, it has been found that huge competition is there in the market in the hospitality industry. It would also be tough for the entrepreneur to get the amount for the start up. It is required to manage and set the business plan in such a way that the entire Australian people could be the target market. The food and beverages of the restaurant must be in such a manner that it could be liked by the children, youngsters and the old people. Through this report, it has been found that the performance and the profitability of the comapny would be way better if the comapny resolve these issues. Rest, the business plan is quite good and would offer the high profits to the comapny in near future. 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