Friday, May 31, 2019

Oh, That Jolly Green Giant :: King Arthur Literature Essays

Oh, That Jolly super acid GiantIn a land of magic, love, betrayal, hatred, loyalty and mystery, there exists a kingdom called Camelot. At the heart of Camelot are the Knights of the Round Table who maintain their loyalty to King Arthur. From the famed knights emerges one knight, who stands out as being traditionally the most loyal, chivalrous, and courtly of all Sir Gawain. It is during one of Arthurs New Years feast, that a stranger rudely gallops into the great hall and begins what will be a yearlong mental testing for Sir Gawain. His color, physical stature, power, and magic are astounding to the Knights of the Round Table. Only one knight dares to accept the challenge of this green giant. This is the story of Sir Gawain and the jet-propelled plane Knight, a ordinal Century Arthurian romance by an anonymous poet. Great wonder grew in hall/At his hue most strange to see,/For man and add-on and all/Were green as green could be. (Norton, 161) Throughout this text, great emphasis is placed on the color green and the fact that great power is associated with the color. Green will again be emphasized at the end of the story when Lord Bercilaks wife gives Gawain a magical green blunt, which has the power to protect Gawain from the Green Knight. The green of everything about the knight is then countered by the red glow of his eyes. In these times, dragons and monsters are green with glowing red eyes. They are also regent(postnominal) and serve as tests for true knights and heroes. The color green is given a mystical power in this story because not whole do the girdle and the Green Knight act as green symbols of magic, but the Green Chapel is also a powerful image of magic. While it is not a traditional Judeo-Christian chapel, but rather it seems to be a prehistoric cave. It can be viewed as a holy place simply because it is the only green life that exists in the suffocating white snow of the winter. This alone should have alterted Gawain to believe that magic was afoot. It is the sheer size of the Green Knight that intimidates umteen of the Knights of the Round Table As lightning quick and light/He looked to all at hand/It seemed that no man might/His deadly dints withstand. (Norton, 162) Because Gawain must cover his knightly duties, he alone takes on the Green Knights game and presents himself as the student of humility.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

I Was Not a Feminist :: Reflective Writing Education Essays

I Was Not a FeministI am not a womens liberationist.I do not go to womens liberationist rallies, force out my bra (although I dont al ways wear one), feel hatred towards men, nor do I spend countless hours with my sisters figuring out ways to tear gas abortion protestors or concocting tortuous plots to abolish the radical right.I am a libertarian who exercises her right to vote and always does her taxes.I read Adrienne Rich and Allen Ginsberg and Ayn Rand and crowd together Joyce with equal fervor.I listen to Tori Amos and Dar Williams and Rush and Metallica.I do not listen to Ani DiFranco I find her music too feminist.I believe John Milton, a shortly white male, changed the way western literature relates to philosophy and religion.Stupid male humor amuses me, and I am happy to cook and clean for my boyfriend because I recognize if I dont, he will eat Wendys and his house will smell bad.I am a baseball fanatic, and love hockey and college basketball.Softball bores me, and womens basketball is not nearly as exciting as mens.I enjoyed being the only woman at fraternity Super Bowl parties.I could never not eat red meat because I love the taste of a well-cooked cow.All of these things, I have been taught, do not qualify me as a feminist. So why do I feel now that these categorizations should not matter?Is it because now I sense all things I am, not the categorizations, be feminist methods of thinking and acting?Before I realized it, I was not only a feminist, but also exercising a feminist pedagogy when teaching writing.Teaching writing is a chance to help students recognize that they, too, can write intellectually about a topic they are concerned in and be excited about it.As a social-expressivist tutor, I try to work in a non-directive way, engaging my students in open-ended conversations that lead them to state their own questions and clarifying their own ideas.When I teach writing, Ive had students do everything from peer critique to creating movement f rom sentences to show them that everything is open to interpretation.I use Matisse to explain thesis.These practices in themselves are not necessarily feminist, but the theories behind them, for me, always have been. Bell hooks writes in Talking Back that feminist education ? the feminist classroom ? is and should be a place where there is a sense of

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Remaking Beowulf as a Christian Hero Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essay

Remaking Beowulf as a Christian Hero The story of Beowulf is full of religious references and symbolism, but is it truly a Christian story? fit in to the narrative, Beowulf is an instrument of God, an instrument of righteousness called by God to perform His will for the Danes. In stark contrast to his good, is the enemy, Grendel, the incarnation of pure evil. These two characters appear to work the forces of good versus the forces of evil. It would be easy enough to leave the story that way, but it appears that Beowulf is written intentionally to make the main characters appear more important by adding Biblical references to the narrative. By creating characters of a Biblical stature, the story as a whole has an added importance. The story was to be important enough that those who told it and those that heard it would never bar the tale. This gruesome creature was called Grendel, notorious prowler of the borderland, ranger of the moors, the fen and the fastness this cursed creature lived in a monsters lair for a time later on the Creator had condemned him as one of the seed of Cain - the Everlasting Lord avenged Abels murder. Cain had no satisfaction from that feud, but the Creator sent him into exile, far from mankind because of his crime. He could no longer approach the throne of grace, that precious place in Gods presence, nor did he feel Gods love. (102-113) Grendel is likened to Cain in this passage, but he seems to show characteristics of the devil as well. He is called a prowl... ...ciety. The pagan religions were passing away and being replaced by new traditions and a new religion. Maybe this version of Beowulf is like a refashion of an old movie done forty years ago. It had been revamped to fit in with the times. If it had, it was a good idea, because this modernized versi on of Beowulf has certainly stood the test of time. Works Cited Blackburn, F.A.. The Christian Coloring in the Beowulf. In An Anthology of Beowulf Criticism, edited by Lewis E. Nicholson. Notre Dame, IN University of Notre Dame Press, 1963. Bloom, Harold. Introduction. In Modern Critical Interpretations Beowulf, edited by Harold Bloom. New York Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Frank, Roberta. The Beowulf Poets wizard of History. In Beowulf - Modern Critical Interpretations, edited by Harold Bloom. New York Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.

Dont Concentrate on Camps Essay -- essays research papers

Dont Concentrate on CampsA preoccupation camp can be defined as a camp were particular people are confined or detained for a period of time, although ironically the term death camp is commonly used as a synonym. Between the years of 1942 and 1945 the German Nazi Party initiated concentration camps for all Jews and another(prenominal) peoples that were considered by Adolf Hitler to be inferior. This is a commonly kn stimulate fact, although extensive knowledge is limited to most people. The majority of concentration camps established have been used for the containing and ultimate extermination of its prisoners. Camps have been located all over the world for more different reasons. Survivors (though rare) do exist and always have gruesome, life altering stories unplowed away in there souls. Undoubtedly Auschwitz in Poland is the most well known camp, but the in store(predicate) existence of concentration camps in the United States has purge been discussed. Although one of the f irst uses of concentration camps was by Britain in 1899 against the Boerevolk people, Adold Hitler took them to extreme during World War II (Berwick 85). The first concentration camps of the 1930s were simply meant to hold political enemys of the Nazi state such as Communists and Socialists, but eventually, bigger camps were created for the extermination of inferior groups and races (Swiebocka 1). The original intention of concentration camps was not specifically to murder mass numbers of people although that was though of as a plus side. In his raging insanity Adolf Hitler molded the concept of concentration camps from containment to extermination. Hitler located his primary concentration extermination camps in Poland focusing on six main camps, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek-Lublin, Sobibor, and Treblinka (Sheehan 6). In these camps alone over 2,700,000 Jews were murdered, along with tens of thousands of Gypsies, Soviet prisoners of war, Poles, and others (Sheehan7) . The prisoners in these camps died from many different causes. Some simply died from starvation and illness, others were told to dig a hole and then when they finished were shot only to fall inside there own grave. Most were sent to gas chambers to be chemically destroyed. Nazi guards would give the prisoners a small piece of soap and tell them to go into a designated room and s... ...exico border, they would immediately be under containment. Supposedly there intention is strictly precautionary, but could the United States actually be considering using them in the future? After all, the government has showed in the past its ability to imprison a group of peoples. During World War II the United States Government demanded that all Nipponese Americans be put into concentration camps for holding until the end of the war. They did not intend to kill anyone, although some did die, the U.S. was simply attempting to protect itself against any further Japanese attacks. closeness camps we re used then, and if necessary they could be used again. The origin of concentration camps was simply to hold a group of dangerous peoples. Adolf Hitler obliterated this idea and created his own variate of concentration camps to exterminate the Jews and all other inferior people. Auschwitz forget remain in infamy as the most horrifying place on earth, and its survivors will forever be scarred. Unfortunately the future might hold concentration camps for American again if it becomes necessary, but honestly, the world will be a divulge place when concentration upon camps desists forever.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Maharaja Dalip Singh :: European Europe History

maharajah Dalip Singh Maharaja DALIP SINGH, the youngest son of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who was born in Lahore, on Feb. 1837, to mother Maharani Jind Kaur. His date of birth is gainsay by some and alternately suggested as Sept. 4, 1838. Many foreign journalists have wrongly named him as Dhalip Singh and Duleep Singh. However, it should be noted that his correct name is Maharaja Dalip Singh. He assumed the Punjab throne as a child, after Maharaja Sher Singh, on Sept. 18, 1843. During his reign several wars were fought with the British. Unfortunately, he was surrounded by corrupt advisors as illustrated by the following quote. Among the Sikh barons who stood around the throne of the young Maharaja Dalip Singh, there was not one, who honestly labored for his country, or who have made the smallest sacrifice to have her. - The Punjab Chiefs by L.H. Griffin The agreement of March 9, 1846, after the first Sikh war with the British, included the following conditions 1) There shall be sleep and friendship among Maharaja Dalip Singh and the British government. 2) Lahore darbar would have to relinquish control of the region between Satluj and Bias. 3) War compensation of one and a half crore rupees to be paid by Lahore darbar. Since this follow was beyond the capabilities of Lahore Darbar at that time, Kashmir region was offered for 75 lakhs. However, Maharaja Gulab Singh stepped forward and paid this amount to buy back this region from the British. 4) Maharaja Dalip Singhs forces were restricted to 50 platoons and 12,000 horse-back soldiers. 5) No foreigner from Britain, Europe, or America could be employed in Lahore Darbar without explicit permission of the British government. 6) British government shall refrain from interference in the inside affairs of the Lahore Darbar. However, towards the end of this year, another set of arrangements were made, under which a council was established to run the Punjab affairs. This council was headed by a British Resident. Furthe r, British forces were brought in to maintain peace in the country. Lahore darbar was charged 22 lakh annually for the maintenance and upkeep of such forces. However, this arrangement did not last for too long. As in April of 1848, a war erupted among the Sikhs and British. At the end of this war, Sikh kingdom was annexed and Maharaja Dalip Singh was sent out of Punjab to FatehGadh (Uttar Pradesh, dist.

Maharaja Dalip Singh :: European Europe History

Maharaja Dalip Singh Maharaja DALIP SINGH, the youngest son of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who was born in Lahore, on Feb. 1837, to have Maharani Jind Kaur. His date of birth is disputed by some and alternately suggested as Sept. 4, 1838. Many foreign journalists have wrongly named him as Dhalip Singh and Duleep Singh. However, it should be renowned that his correct name is Maharaja Dalip Singh. He assumed the Punjab throne as a child, after Maharaja Sher Singh, on Sept. 18, 1843. During his reign several wars were fought with the British. Unfortunately, he was border by corrupt advisors as illustrated by the following quote. Among the Sikh barons who stood around the throne of the young Maharaja Dalip Singh, there was not one, who honestly labored for his country, or who have made the smallest sacrifice to save her. - The Punjab Chiefs by L.H. Griffin The agreement of March 9, 1846, after the first Sikh war with the British, included the following conditions 1) at that place shall be peace and friendship among Maharaja Dalip Singh and the British political relation. 2) Lahore darbar would have to relinquish control of the theatrical role between Satluj and Bias. 3) War compensation of one and a one-half crore rupees to be paid by Lahore darbar. Since this amount was beyond the capabilities of Lahore Darbar at that time, Kashmir region was offered for 75 lakhs. However, Maharaja Gulab Singh stepped forward and paid this amount to buy back this region from the British. 4) Maharaja Dalip Singhs forces were restricted to 50 platoons and 12,000 horse-back soldiers. 5) No foreigner from Britain, Europe, or America could be employed in Lahore Darbar without explicit permission of the British government. 6) British government shall refrain from interference in the internal affairs of the Lahore Darbar. However, towards the end of this year, another set of arrangements were made, under which a council was established to run the Punjab affairs. This council was headed by a British Resident. Further, British forces were brought in to maintain peace in the country. Lahore darbar was charged 22 lakh annually for the maintenance and upkeep of such forces. However, this arrangement did not rifle for too long. As in April of 1848, a war erupted among the Sikhs and British. At the end of this war, Sikh kingdom was annexed and Maharaja Dalip Singh was sent out of Punjab to FatehGadh (Uttar Pradesh, dist.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Do You Prefer to Eat Out or at Home Essay

Some people prefer to eat at diet stands or restaurants while others prefer to prepare and eat victuals at home. I have a predilection of eating food at food stands and restaurants because on that point is a lot of variety of food, the food is cooked and active more professionally and it helps in giving a change in the atmosphere. In restaurants, there is so much variety of food to choose from while at home it is always the same kind of food. Whenever I go to a restaurant, I can choose my food from burgers to Asian food.In a restaurant, one can order whatever one likes without having to go through the trouble of cooking. When I feel like eating a burger or an Italian dish or some complex dish, all I have to do is go to a restaurant. On the other hand, at home there is no diversity of food and I have to eat the same types of food e reallyday. regimen cooked and prepared at home is never as tasty as food in restaurants. In restaurants food is made very efficiently. Once I ate pizz a at home but it was no way near the delicious pizza at the restaurants.Not only that, when my sister chow at home she always complains that either the food is too spicy or not salty enough. In contrast, at food stands and restaurants the food is improve with the right amount of spice and salt. Food in restaurants is delicious and cannot be compared to the food made at home. Eating everyday at home becomes very drab and dull. Furthermore it takes away the opportunity for an outing. However, eating in a restaurant changes the dreary environment to a cheerful and delightful one.When my sister and I eat at home, we lose our appetite at times because of eating the same thing daily in the same place. But eating in a restaurant gives us the opportunity to explore new places and new foods. I prefer food at food stands and restaurants more than food prepared food at home because it is tastier, I can eat whatever I please and I can have some outing. Without restaurants, there would be no en joyment and the world would lose the opportunity of experiencing and exploring all sorts of foods from all over the world.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Candide Response

Arthur Johnson Western Letters Professor Fayard Response Essay 2 10/29/12 Arthur Johnson Western Letters Fayard 10/29/12 Response Essay 2 Francois-Marie Arouet De Voltaire shows in many instances in Candide that he does not buy into the thought of the Enlightenment. With Voltaires simple mockery of the inclination of a perfect world with a perfectly good God, it is evident that he does not appreciate the idea that allthing happens for a reason.Despite Voltaire holding these exceedingly prejudicious views on whether or not there is a good God, if there is a God at solely, he puts in place a character in Candide that arguably contradicts his hateful and pessimistic views on the idea that everything happens for a reason. Voltaire places an old lady in Candide, whom clearly suffers greatly, but continues to get pop of her tragedies and makes the decision to continue on living livenesstime because living is worth every bit of pain and suffering that comes.This old lady contradi cts Voltaires negative views on the idea that everything happens for a reason because she continu exclusivelyy escapes from her tragic experiences. The old lady continues to reinforce the idea that there is a purpose for everything and that good exit eventually come out from even the most evil of situations and scenarios. The old lady not only contradicts Voltaires hateful outlook on the idea that everything happens for a reason, but she to an extent revamps and matures Pangloss outlook on optimism.Instead of thinking that everything is great and perfectly good, the old lady believes that there are some horrible things in life, but living is worth every bit of struggle that comes along with it. In theory it would be safe to come to a conclusion that would betoken that the old lady believes that despite of all the horrific and brutal events that come with living, there are greater things in life that make suffering a worthwhile price. This idea would also fall into the idea that ev erything does indeed happen for a reason.The old lady used to live a promising life as the daughter of the pope and a princess, who was once seen by many as one of the most beautiful people women ever, a woman who had a body as beautiful as the genus Venus of Medici. For a better graphic, the Venus of Medici was a Hellenistic life-size classical statue, much like the Venus de Milo, that was a depiction of the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. The old lady was at one point in her life a modern day celebrity, but all of what she had going for her was stolen, and yet she continued to live.The old lady while in conversation with Candide and Cunegonde says Imagine my situation, the daughter of a pope, only fifteen years old, who in the space of three months had been exposed to poverty and slavery, been raped almost daily, had seen her mother torn to pieces, had give-up the ghostd war and famine, and who is now dying of the plague in Algiers. As it happens, I didnt die (Voltaire). Voltai re also makes a strong emphasis on the old lady losing one of her buttocks, but despite that she continues to get on her horse, and ride it with decent one of her buttocks.The old lady has clearly suffered tremendously. She has been through more hardships and trials than Candide and Cunegonde ever have, even though they seemed to have suffered a lot themselves. Despite all of the straining and sufferings that this old woman has been through, she consistently chose not to loathe in self-pity, and also chose life over death one c out of one hundred times. If this old woman did not sincerely believe that there was a reason to live and suffer, then why in Heavens fountainhead would she ever decide to continue to live a life full of painful and tragic events?Simply putting it, she would not be in her right mind to continue on living a life of pain and suffering if there was no greater payout or at least a small reason for her pains and sufferings. The old womans reason for living, t he old womans payout for all of her pains and sufferings, and the old womans reason for not loathing in self-pity and ending her life was because she enjoyed living life too much. The old lady says to Candide and Cunegonde, a hundred times I wanted to kill myself, but always I loved life more (Voltaire).On the contrary the old lady also mentioned that the notion of loving life while it is miserable is equivalent to holding on to existence in horror, but still clinging on to it or to fondle a serpent that devours until it has eaten our police van away. The old lady labeled this notion that she carries and that many others carry as ridiculous, extremely weak, and one of humans worst instincts. Yet, she still decided to endure the hardships, live in her self-labeled weakness, and continued on living a life that pays her with reasons in wanting to live out her life.There is never a watch glass clear glimpse of why the old woman loves living so much, but she does defy Voltaire once more at the end of Candide. While in conversation with Candide in the final chapter, the old lady says to Candide I should like to know which is worse, being raped a hundred times by total darkness pirates, having a buttock cut off, running the gauntlet in the Bulgar army, being flogged and hanged in an auto-da-fe, being dissected and rowing in the galleysexperiencing, in a word, all the miseries through which we have passedor else just sitting here and doing nothing? (Voltaire). Voltaire places Candides garden in Candide as another form of mockery to the idea that everything happens for a reason and their world is the best of all possible worlds. Despite Voltaire inputting the garden as a mockery to Candides ignorant and ridiculous ism on life, the old lady was not any happier than she was when she was being raped, flogged, beaten, or hung. The old lady was just as miserable as she was during all of her literal tragedies and hardships she faced, and yet she still continued to love l iving life and not loathe in her self-pity.The old ladys life is a testament to there being a reason to the events and tragedies that occur in life. All of the hardships, pains, and sufferings that enter the lives of people happen so that people can grasp and project the greatness and love for living life. Much like the old lady, people have to endure the pains and sufferings of life because living and experiencing life is worth every ounce of lost blood, sweat, and tears.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Critical Issues of Soil Erosion Problems

Soil quality is one of the most basic and perhaps least unders excessivelyd indicators of rural atomic number 18a health. Soil supports plant growth and represents the living reservoir that buffers the flows of water, nutrients, and energy through an ecosystem. The ongoing degradation of the earths districts by humanity activity, particularly husbandry, threatens human potential to feed a growing population. The annual global erosion amounts to or so 36 billion tons, of which 10 billion atomic number 18 due to indispensable ca determinations and 26 billion are the result of human activity (Crosson et al. 995).The dirty word or runoff that has been eroded ends up in groundwater, lakes, streams, and rivers. The deposits of excess soil and the contaminates in it, cause further ecological complications. Bodies of water motif to be dredged and monitored for contamination. Water levels are lowered with the increasing soil eroded into them, making our worlds water supply a concern directly related to the erosion of soil. The process of soil renewing itself is largely unknown. However, there is consensus on the need for conservation.Evaluating the oscilloscope of the problem or predicting the effects that various solutions might have on agriculture and the environment is very difficult. Degradation is gauged for all soil in footing of compaction, erosion, nutrient loss and loss of constituent(a) matter. Soil quality refers to the capacity of a soil to perform these beneficial functions. Its texture, structure, water-holding capacity, porosity, organic matter content, and depth, among other properties take in a soils quality. Because soils naturally vary in their capacity to perform these functions, we must tie our understanding of soil quality to landscapes and land use.We must understand soil quality for two important reasons First, we must match our use and management of land to soil capability. Second, we must establish understanding approximately s oil quality so we can recognize ongoing trends. If soil quality is stable or improving, we have a good indicator that the ecosystem is sustainable. If soil quality is deteriorating, the larger ecosystem will almost certainly disapprove with it (Wilken 1995, Mirzamoatafa et al. 1998). Many conservation efforts are being taken to control soil erosion. In direct to do this a universal language is need to measure soil erosion, texture, and the potential for erosion.Soil loss tolerance (T) is the amount of a stipulation soil that can be displaced by water or wind erosion each year and be replenished through natural soil regeneration processes. This is a basis for evaluating the impacts of soil erosion and develops objectives for conservation treatment. Erosion at rates greater than T is a special concern because it threatens agricultural sustainability. Enrichment Ratios (ER) practically used as a measure of the nutrients available for soil. It is a ratio of the intrinsic potential for soil displacement from erosion to the T limit (Baffaut et al 1998).From 1991 to 1992 in Central Kenyas highlands, these formulas were used to monitor runoff, soil loss, and enrichments of eroded soil material. Annual rainwater was 948 and 1125 mm for 1991 and 1992. Soil loss ranged from 0. 8 to 247. 3 tons, and runoff ranged from 1 to 89 mm. The enrichment ratios (ER) were greater than or equal to 1 and sediments were mostly enriched with P and Na. The P and Na concentrations were 4 to 10 and 2 to 3 generation the source material. Sediment from the plots was 247 to 936% richer in P than the soil from which it originated.Too much P can have negative effects on the plant and wildlife skirt it. Changes in soil pH, percentage organic C, and percentage total N following erosion were significantly correlated with cumulative soil loss (r value of 0. 77, 0. 59, and 0. 71, n = 20). The data indicated that the unbalancing of nutrients in the soil is due to erosion, and one of the major causes of soil fertility depletion of Kenyan soils (Gachene et. al. 1997). The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) estimates amount annual soil loss from sheet and till erosion.The equation is A=RKLSCP, where A is the computed soil loss per unit area, R is a rainwater factor, K is a soil erodibility factor, L is a slope length factor, S is a slope degree factor, C is a crop practice factor, and P is a conservation practice factor (Baffaut et al 1998). Data from erosion plots in Tarija suggest only moderate rates of erosion (200tons-per. yr. ). Data at 6-min intervals for 41 sites in the tropics of Australia were used to compute the rainfall and runoff factor (R-factor) for the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), and a daily rainfall erosivity model was validated for these tropical sites.Mean annual rainfall varies from about 300 mm at Jervois to about 4000 at Tully. For these tropical sites, both rainfall and rainfall erosivity are highly seasonal. The daily erosivity model perf ormed better for the tropical sites with a marked wet season in summer in simile to model performance in temperate regions of Australia where peak rainfall and peak rainfall erosivity may occur in different seasons (Yu 1998). The Wind factor must be considered when evaluating soil erosion. Plant nutrients are transported in windblown sediment.The Wind Erosion Equation (WEQ) is designed to predict long-term average annual soil losses from a field having specific characteristics. The equation is E=f (IKCLV), where E is the estimated average annual soil loss, I is the soil erodibility, K is the coer roughness factor, C is the climatic factor, L is the equivalent unsheltered distance across the field along the prevailing wind erosion direction, and V is the equivalent vegetal cover (Baffaut et al. 1998). As validation for the Wind Erosion equation (WEQ) two field sites were established in southern Alberta (one in 1990, one in 1993).At Site 1, total N in windblown sediment trapped at 2 5-cm height showed an average (13 events) enrichment ratio of 1. 11, while organic C in windblown sediment showed an average enrichment ratio of only 1. 02 compared with soil from the erodible surface. At Site 2, the average (4 events) total N enrichment ratio was 1. 08 and the average organic C (carbon) enrichment ratio was 1. 05. The results provide further evidence that every effort should be to prevent erosion of the thin layer of surface soil that finds the future sustainability of agriculture (Baffaut et. al. 1998).These examples of using universal formulas to measure soil erosion allow scientists to evaluate an area and compare efforts that are working else where and apply them to areas were soil erosion is in need of being lessened. During last 40 years, nearly one-third of the world land has been lost by erosion. This loss continues at a rate of much than 10 million hectares per year. The world populations food demand is increasing at a time when per capita food productiv ity is beginning to decline (Pimentel et al. 1995). If conditions leading to famine are to be avoided, land that produces food must be preserved.The ecological food web links plants, animals, and people must consist in harmony with the planets water, soil, and atmosphere. Once those connections are severed the hunger web begins. To avoid these devastating effects, steps must be winning in all aspects of ecology. The greatest impact of soil erosion is solid ground practices that are ignorant to overall effects on the food web. The key to farming is to grow enough food for all of your people. When towns were made up of small farms this goal was more easily obtainable. When people stop farming, food production whence became an in dispersery where money takes precedent over soil.Because of demand and economic reason farmers in the United States are destroying delicate balances in nature and drastically reparation the landscape so that soil is at risk of erosion, and is eroded faste r than it can be formed. (Pimentel, Resosudarmo1995) Agricultural practices of cropping and tillage are two important factors that sour runoff and soil losses. Much research had been done to show the effects of different tilling and crop rotations on soil erosion. Doyles (1996) research cogitate that between 1982 and 1992 the US improved or at least had no increase in average erosion rates in most areas with broad cropland.Some of the improvement found was the result of crops being rotated and better tiling methods. Brown (et al 1998) investigated the effects of combining whey and straw in croplands. This research found that straw or whey alone reduces soil loss by 60-85 percent. When combined they reduce soil loss by 96- 98 percent. Ghidey and Alberts (1998) found through a study in Kansas that the annual runoff and soil losses from soybean cropping were slightly higher than those for corn. These studies and others like them have provided the noesis of how to prevent further so il erosion.The Conservation Reserve Program pays farmers to remove or add environmentally sensitive crops to their croplands (Ghidey, Alberts 1998). in that location are many a nonher(prenominal) casualties of ceremonious chemical farming erosion, a decline in soil quality, water purity, weakened crop resistance to pests and diseases, and the safety of farm workers. According to US news program & World Report, 9/14/92, an excess of $4 billion a year is spent on pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides Chemical farmers are still losing about a third of their crops each year to insects, diseases, and weeds.Because of tilling practices, these chemicals used in farming not only effect the food produced and ground water but overly the places where the runoff is deposited. Herbicide loss by runoff is a world wide problem. These contaminated runoffs kill a variety of wildlife, aquatic life forms, and many species of vegetation. An economical and environmental alternative to conventional farming is organic crop production. primitive farming is a soil management system that maintains and replenishes soil fertility. Organic foods are produced without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.The strategy behind organic crop production is to produce food crops which are processed, packaged, transported, and stored so as to concord maximum nutritional value without the use of artificial preservatives, coloring, or other additives. Allowable management techniques include the use of cover crops, manures, and composts for soil fertility management, the use of mulches, hand or mechanical cultivation, and crop rotation for weed management, and production scheduling and crop selection for disease and insect management.Organic farming is not as easy or as productive as conventional farming, especially on infertile sandy soils. To be successful, an organic farmer requires a sound knowledge of soil type, crop management and the incidence of pests and diseases in differen t seasons (Arden-Clarke et al 1987). Organic production preferably should be combined with systems not usually used in agriculture such as cover crops and stock farming. This requires a larger area than the normal agricultural holding, which must be chosen carefully. The Department of Agriculture (Elliott et al. 1987) certifies organic production systems.Certification involves the development of an organic plan for the operation, the plan to be evaluated and approved by an accredited agent, and the pledge of the farmer to abide by the list of approved substances. The organic agent also reviews soil and water tests, crop histories, production, and rotation plans. The area in which organic crops are to be grown must be chemical free for 3 years. They verify compliance with standards through annual and spot inspections, and record memory requirements (Elliott et al. 1987). Consumers are demanding organically grown fruit and vegetables, and are willing to pay a higher price.The sales of organic products have increased from $178 million to over $4 billion in 1998, and is growing in excess of 20% per year. These operations will focus on the production of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers (Us News &World 1998). There is a demand for certified organic vegetables, especially with the new health awareness of the public. As with any type of farming, there is the risk of unfavorable survive and invasive pests, which could, reduced a seasons crop. Economics may be a large controlling factor for soil erosion. . When demand for caryopsis increases, and supply decreases, price for food will increase.Americans can afford to pay a few cents extra for bread, horse food, and rice but poorer countries will permit when food becomes too expensive. Although the United States has been referred to as the bread basket of the world because of our impressive food production, our history constituted prolific amounts of soil erosion. During the 1930s dust clouds forced people from thei r homes, killed humans and animals alike, and caused snow in Vermont to be black. Agricultural economists are aware that severely eroded soils are less productiveif too much soil is lost, the next pose and harvest are delayed.Soils are less productive if crop planting has to be delayed. Instead of harvesting phoebe bird times in one season, farmers might only reap terzetto. Severely eroded soils have deficiencies in nutrient, bacteria, alterations in structure, and decreased resistance to pests. Continuously planting row crops, corn for example, can cause severe soil loss. Sustainable agriculture can prevent or lessen soil erosion and ensure higher productivity (Gardner 1996). Our countys high demand for perforate forces farmers to over work their land. The demand for this grain and the human consumption of grown vegetation are not the only factors leading to soil erosion.The beef industry and our consumption of red meat impacts soil erosion as well. Of the total amount of grain that is grown in the US, 80% of it is fed to livestock. To support our meat centered diet, 260 million acres of U. S. forest must be cleared to create cropland for livestock (Gardner1996). Costa Rican produced beef is even more devastating to the environment. For every ? lb. of Costa Rican beef made, one acre of Costa Rican rainforest must be destroyed. This devastation is worsened by the deaths of all the plant and animal species that occur due to habitat loss (Gardner1996).Because of the above reasons and several(prenominal) other moral, nutritional, and economical reasons, beef consumption is wild for the environment. Every individual who switches to a purely vegetarian diet (Gardner1996) spares one acre of trees each year. The factor of agricultural practices on soil erosion becomes more severe when forests, grasslands, and wetlands are destroyed. Roots from trees in forests, grasslands, and wetlands stabilize soil not only by holding earth, but also by intercepting precipitat ion, dispersing energy of raindrops, and by increasing percolation and reducing runoff (Smith 1998).Native Americans have used good agriculture practices for years. American Indians had respect for the land and all of its life forms. One of their cultural beliefs about farming is centered on the three sisters corn, squash, and beans. The corn provides a stalk for beans to climb. Beans produce nitrogen that fertilizes the corn. And squash protects the soil and corn roots from the sun, traps moisture, and prevents erosion. All three plants provide edible food, while preserving soil. (Wilken 1995)It is essential to the survival of the human race, and all other life forms that several forms of soil conservation practices are used. There is a finite amount of food that our country can produce before our production starts to decrease. Although erosion is a natural process, humans have found several unnatural ways to make soil erosion more severe. To be able to continue to feed the growing population and preserve the species diversity of wildlife and plants we need to have sustainable agriculture practices and soil conservation these efforts are crucial in the prevention of extensive soil erosion.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Mark Twain †Racism †Huckleberry Finn Essay

Mark Twain depicts an apprehension to racisms through the character Huckleberry Finn. He is a white newfangled boy who comes in contact with the conditions of slavery at a relatively early age. The author allows him to feel uncomfortable with the very process by which human are classified in civil society. This view is based on how Twain created the institution of slavery to be established at the time. Twain in emphasizing his views allow his character to be confronted by situations which would force him to think about slavery and the face of racism.The young man is pressured by his own bugger offs harsh racist belief as depicted in the election scene, It was lection day, and I was just about to go and vote myself if I chidet too drunk to get there but when they told me there was a State in this Country where theyd let a spade vote, I drawed out. (Echeat, 2010)Twain creates the paradox between father and son to highlight where he stood on racism. Mark Twain-Racism-tom turkey Sa wyer Surprisely, even though Mark Twains Adventures of Tom Sawyer includes a character named Huckleberry Finn as is represented in The Adventures of HucleburyFinn the role designation is entirely different.Huckleberry Finn plays a supportive role in allowing Tom to complete his mischiefs. The author displayed very little interest of projecting a race issues his that society. Its only emergence was flashed as a minor development in the story was in the killing of Dr Robinson by a Native American, However, there were no direct racial insinuations in the account, In the scuffle, Injun Joe stabs Dr. Robinson with Potters knife.. Native-American half-breed Injun Joe. (Sparknotes, 2010)To conclude It can be presumed that the time when Huckleberry Finn was written racism was Mark Twains major sociological concern. On the other hand with Tom Sawyer he was viewing morals from the perspective of parental authority and how social groups interact. REFERENCE Racism in Huckleberry finn. www. ec heat. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 May 2010. . The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. www. sparknotes. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 May 2010. .

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Circular Flow Essay

In the textbook, there are twain circular menstruate diagrams. One represents the flows in the macro- economy as a shut system and the other represents the flows as an airfoil system. The circular flow diagrams show how notes travels through the economic systems including businesses, ho employmentholds, foreign agents and governments (Editorial Board, 2013). Within the closed and open systems there are two consumers. The first consumers are ho exerciseholds that buy goods and services and the second consumers are those businesses that purchase portions to produce. Households project the goods market while the businesses enter factor markets.The first type of circular flow is that of the closed macro-economy system. This is the circular flow of money. A closed system is an economic model that counts only home(prenominal) exchanges but not the foreign agents. This therefore means that without foreign agents, the government or the economy is free of leakages. This system is basic every(prenominal)y shut off from environ environments and is self-contained. An example of a closed system would be the Earth system as a whole. Although energy passes across the Earths system boundary, no mass is exchanged throughout the Earths system and the rest of the universe (Ritter, M., 2011).The second type of circular flow in the macro-economy is considered the open system. The open system is the opposite of the closed system. It is an economic model that counts goods and services exchanged domestically and amidst nations (Editorial Board, 2013). In the diagram in the textbook, it indicates the circular flow of money in an open economy system. Open systems allow energy and mass to pass through and across the system boundary. An example of an open system would be the ocean. The ocean is considered an open system because it allows energy and mass to pass through. Energy which is solar radiation, latent heat and mass including water vapor and precipitation all pass across t he boundary between the atmosphere andhydrosphere of the ocean.In the closed system, places spend their money not only on domestic products but also on goods and services. While looking over the diagram should in the textbook, the inner flow of the closed system includes land, labor, and capital given to businesses from households to receive goods and services to the household. Households use the income ( remuneration and salaries) for services offered to business to purchase goods and services from other businesses. On the other hand, businesses use the money received from households to buy factors of production they require. Thus, money flows in a circular motion within the economy. therefore, the outer flows of a closed system include money from the household to business in order to pay for wages and rent for the houses.In the open system, there are more flow levels to consider. An open system considers the flow of money both domestically and internationally between countries. This system includes the government, households, and businesses. The demand for imports from a foreign economy consists of goods for investment, consumption of government goods. The government however enters the factor market as well as the goods market. It enters the factor market in order to obtain domestic labor, capital, and other factors of production to provide goods and services. The government enters the goods market to purchase these goods and services such as cars, trucks, pens or pencils. After the government lends out public services to the household and businesses, the households sends labor, land and capital to businesses and receive goods and services from those businesses as they pay taxes to the government. The next level flow which is the outer flow consists of money sent from the household to the businesses for wages and rent to be paid for the household.Leakages are taxes, savings, and import expenditures not spend in the economy. There are several leaks in the open system which includes leaks from households to companies, businesses to owners of factors of production and from both households and businesses to the government. Money leakages are created when an American consumer buys imports or when a company in the get together States hires someone from India to work as a customer service representative. The households leaks when consumers buy goods and services from foreign businesses, and the money those households save whether in checking accounts or stocking. The business leaks when firms use labor, capital and other resources from foreign households. These leaks then inject money into the system.Injection is considered as things that enter into the households or businesses due to the leaks that were caused in the open system. An injection that comes into the household is that of foreign firms sending wages and rent to US households. An injection that comes into the businesses is that of foreign households purchasing goods produced by US firms. An example of a leakage would be a household buying a foreign car from a foreign company outside the United States. An example of an injection would be households in japan purchasing pens and pencils from firms in the United States.The difference between closed systems and open systems can be defined easily. Getting a better understanding of the two systems and how they work can help us operate throughout our daily lives and the world around us. As we grow we continue to learn about our economy and how the government interacts with households and companies.ReferencesEditorial Board (2013). Introduction to Macroeconomics. Web retrieved from http// Ritter, Michael E. The Physical Environment an Introduction to Physical Geography. http//

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Book Review: Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” Essay

In writing Into the Wild, Krakauers intention was to uncover the facts (or at least get as close to the facts as possible) surrounding Christopher McCandless jaunt into the wild. Krakauer discusses and presents theories and explanations about McCandless reasons for going off into a potenti each(prenominal)y fatal journey, and also presents investigations into how McCandless came to such a state in his life. Krakauer gives us some idea of the speak cause of McCandless death, and his reasons for doing what he did.Krakauer aims to give lectors with invaluable insight into the mind of McCandlesshow McCandless came about the idea of going to the Alaskan wilderness, what his motivations were, how he planned and managed to survive the grueling trek, and about importantly, why? The author seeks to scan what happened to McCandless in the wild, and to explain why someone so full of promise, who seems to have such an ideal life and much of all that he could ask for, could do what McCandl ess did.However, Krakauer does not presume to be certain about McCandless reasons, but he presents some very good explanations and allows us to understand McCandless mind even more. By revealing many things about the reasons behind McCandless death, Krakauer shows us that McCandless was far more than a simple and reckless fool who otiose his life. McCandless, who was an intelligent young man, went off into the Alaskan woods to find himself and to reunite with nature. He was heavily influenced by the literature he had read, to such an extent that he became, most of all, a man in search of himself and of a purpose in life.In order to really find himself, he felt it requisite to cut all ties from society, from his family, and reinvent himself as Alexander Supertramp, thus cutting his ties with his old identity. Whether or not he found what he was looking for in the wild is open to speculation, however Krakauer describes McCandlesss psychological terrain by including anecdotes and quo tations from good deal who were in a similar state of mind as McCandless, as hygienic as drawing parallels with his own life as a mountaineer and adventurer.Each chapter presents different tales from others who have been in the same road as McCandless, people who have also sought the solitude of the wild. Krakauer also interviewed people who have come in contact with McCandless during his journey. By the end of Into the Wild, the readers gains significant understanding of McCandless personality. Whether McCandless was stick out or foolish, his journey of self-discovery is something that almost everyone can relate with and understand on some level.However, while the book is accessible to anyone who could have some interest in the controversial life and death of Christopher McCandless, it is most geared towards those who have sentiments similar to those that McCandless held regarding society, nature, and how to live. Into the Wild helps us understand McCandless character, although by the end of the book, it is still up to the reader to decide if McCandless was right or wrong in having done what he did whether he was courageoeus or merely foolish.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Family Background of Edgar Sia Essay

1.* Electronic Controller uses galvanic signals and digital algorithms to perform its receptive, comparative degree and corrective functions. is best suited for applications where large load changes argon encountered and/or fast resolution changes ar required. Trerice Electronic Controllers have full auto set and PID capabilities, and offer a host of available options, including user selectable foreplays and ranges, step forwardputs, setback functions, and alarms. An economical on/off only style is also available for unsubdivided get the hang applications.* Electromechanical disciplineler is a type of trading signal controller. Despite the fact that computerized traffic signal controllers have dominated the world of traffic signal control, electromechanical traffic signal controllers are still in existence.Electromechanical controllers have been in existence for over 60 years, and they are elicit in many ways, much(prenominal) as how they exit, for example. An electromec hanical controller is solely operated by electrical relays. Electrical relays are what provide electrical currents to the important move that are responsible for controlling the indications of a traffic signal that the electromechanical traffic signal controller is outfitd to* ELECTRICAL CONTROLLERFor actuating a number of electrical devices in accordance with control inputs received from a number of control input sources includes a number of optical isolators having inputs coupled to the control input sources. The optical isolators function to electrically isolate each of the control input sources from each other and to provide individual control voltages corresponding to the control inputs received from the control input sources. The outputs of the optical isolators are coupled through a user-actuable matrix switch to the gyrates of a number of relays which, in turn, control the electrical devices. Through various settings of the matrix switch, various 1s of the electrical dev ices disregard be actuated in response to control inputs received from particular ones of the control input sources. Electrical isolation is maintained among the control input sources to avoid the development of undesirable feedbacks to the non-actuated control input sources.* Mechanical Controllerscombine sensors, logic, and actuators to maintain the performance of components of a machine. Perhaps the best known is the flyball governor for a steam engine. Examples of these devices range from a thermostat that as temperature rises opens a valve to cooling water to speed controllers such the cruise control system in an automobile. The programmable logic controller replaced relays and specialized control mechanisms with a programmable computer. Servomotors that accurately position a shaft in response to an electrical command are the actuators that make robotic systems possible.2.)* Motor control* PWM controller* DC-DC controller* Switched mode power supplya) SWITCH is an electrical c omponent that can break anelectrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another.12 The most familiar form of switch is a manually operated electromechanicaldevice with one or more(prenominal) sets of electrical contacts, which are connected to external circuits. Each set of contacts can be in one of two states either closed meaning the contacts are touching and electricity can mix in the midst of them, or open, meaning the contacts are separated and the switch is nonconducting. The mechanism actuating the transition between these two states (open or closed) can be either a toggle (flip switch for continuous on or off) or momentary (push-for on or push-for off) type. A switch may be directly manipulated by a human as a control signal to a system, such as a computer keyboard button, or to control power flow in a circuit, such as a light switch. automatically operated switches can be utilise to control the motions of machines, for example, to i ndicate that a garage door has reached its full open position or that a machine shot is in a position to accept another workpiece.Switches may be operated by subroutine variables such as pressure, temperature, flow, current, voltage, and force, acting assensors in a process and utilize to automatically control a system. For example, a thermostat is a temperature-operated switch utilize to control a heating process. A switch that is operated by another electrical circuit is called a relay. Large switches may be remotely operated by a motor drive mechanism. Some switches are used to isolate electric power from a system, providing a visible point of isolation that can be padlocked if necessary to prevent accidental operation of a machine during maintenance, or to prevent electric shock.An ideal switch would have no voltage drop when closed, and would have no limits on voltage or current rating. It would have zero rise time and fall time during state changes, and would change state without bouncing between on and off positions. pragmatical switches fall short of this ideal they have resistance, limits on the current and voltage they can handle, finite switching time, etc. The ideal switch is often used in circuit analysis as it greatly simplifies the system of equations to be solved, however this can lead to a less accurate solution. Theoretical discourse of the effects of non-ideal properties is required in the design of large networks of switches, as for example used in telephone exchanges.b) RELAY is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to operate a switching mechanism mechanically, but other operating principles are also used. Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete electrical isolation between control and controlled circuits), or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. The first relays were used in long distance telegraph circuits, repeating the signal coming in from one circuit and re-transmitting it to another. Relays were used extensively in telephone exchanges and earlyish computers to perform logical operations. A type of relay that can handle the high power required to directly control an electric motor or other loads is called a contactor. Solid-state relays control power circuits with no moving parts, instead using a semiconductor device to perform switching. Relays with calibrated operating characteristics and sometimes bigeminal operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits from overload or faults in modern electric power systems these functions are performed by digital instruments still called protective relays.c) COIL is formed when a conductor (usually an insulated solid copper wire) is wound around a core or form to create an inductor or electromagnet. When electricity is passed through a coil, it generates heat. One loop of wire is usually referred to as aturn, and a coil consists of one or more turns. For use in an electronic circuit, electrical connectionterminals called taps are often connected to a coil. Coils are often coated with seal off or wrapped with insulating tape to provide additional insulation and secure them in place. A completed coil assembly with taps is often called a winding. A transformer is an electromagnetic device that has aprimary winding and a secondary winding that transfers energy from one electrical circuit to another by inductive mate without moving parts.The term tickler coil usually refers to a feedback coil, which is often the third coil placed in relation to a primary coil and secondary coil. A coil tap is a wiring feature found on some electrical transformers, inductors and coil pickups, all of which are sets of wire coils. The coil tap(s) are points in a wire coil where a conductive patch has been exposed (usually on a loop of wire that extends out of the main coil body). As self induction is larger for larger coil diameter the current in a th ick wire tries to flow on the inside. The ideal use of copper is achieved by foils. Sometimes this means that a spiral is a better alternative. Multilayer coils have the problem of interlayer capacitance, so when multiple layers are needed the shape needs to be radically changed to a short coil with many layers so that the voltage between consecutive layers is small (making them more spiral like).

Monday, May 20, 2019

Why Do People Like Scarry Movies

For years people have been scared by execration movies and they continue going back. Alfred Hitchcock one time said, drama is life with the leaden bits left out. Why do people like to picket separate people determine hurt and die while being scared enough to make them twitch in their seat? Movie goers like shame movies because people in general have dull lives. Males just use it as a opportunity to get close to their partner, while womanlys like to get scared while in the presence of their man. Every day people simply get up, go to work, and come home for supper before going back to bed.People believe that their lives are boring. That is why horror movies are popular. Movie goers like to be able to see blood, guts, fingers and toes, while having the ability to simply toss away. People in general want to have suspense in their lives merely want to be able to turn it off. As for men, they like to be frightened as well as women, but most of all men like the sex appeal of ho rror movies. Almost every horror movie made in the last 20 years has a young attractive female actor running around mindlessly.If men were not attracted to this, then producers obviously wouldnt make movies this way. manpower would also rather take their partner with them to see these kinds of movies. Men know their female friend go out want to cuddle up Women on the other hand want to have the fear part but want their partner to be by their side. Most women movie goers will NOT watch a horror film alone. They want to feel the protection of their man. It abandons them to be scared while tactile property secure at the same time. Men of course dont mind this at all. They think on itMost horror movies are made for the viewing age of 17 30. The people in this age group still enjoy going out on the weekends to get away from the pressures of drill and work. Horror movies give excitement and suspense in the lives of movie goers. It presents trust between partners when the girl jum ps in her seat and clenches the arm of her boyfriend. It makes men feel strong as if they are protecting their partner. Horror movies allow movie goers to have a little bit of the real world while knowing they freighter go home and rest comfortably in their own bed.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Internet Exercises Appendix Chapter 1

INTERNET EXERCISES cecal appendage Chapter 1 trades Role in the Global Economy ne twainrk figure Wal-Mart You can check forth the on-line shopping experience of Wal-Mart on the Web by going to www. wal-mart. com and blabing on Go Shopping. For connect to reciprocation in the radical securities industrying text, chew the fat summonboy 8. internet answer ONSALE vendue Super order The ONSALE Auction Super turn up features a number of on-line auctions in which divers(prenominal) sellers auction off computer, consumer electronics, and an other(a)(prenominal) products to buyers. call back the wind vane site at www. onsale. com and fall over an open auction for a consumer electronics product.What are the advantages and disadvantages of this market for sellers? For buyers? For cogitate tidings in the canonic trade text, gather in scallywag 17. net mold earth Trade presidential term The macrocosm Trade Organization is a very important force behind the global run low toward free trade, but sometimes there are still disputes. Go to the WTO weather vane site at www. wto. org and beget go forth how the WTO pecktles disputes. Do you retrieve that this procedure favors the essential nations, the less- veritable nations, or neither? Give your beting. For cogitate discussion in the prefatorial market text, compute rascal 22.Chapter 2 Marketings Role within the unattackable or Nonprofit Organization profits employment L. L. Bean The L. L. Bean weave site (www. llbean. com) stick outs consumers a lot of information, including information roughly national parks. Do you think that this servings Bean to build relationships with its tar loaf customers? For cogitate discussion in the raw material Marketing text, adjoin foliate 40. internet Exercise Lilly Lilly, the pharmaceutical company, straighten outs the case to be socially responsible. To find out more close Lillys corporate citizenship, go to the Lilly foot paginate (www. lilly. om) and palaver on company information and accordingly click on corporate citizenship. For cerebrate discussion in the staple Marketing text, see page 42. Chapter 3 Focusing Marketing dodge with Segmentation and Positioning profit Exercise McDonalds McDonalds has about 22,000 restaurants in 109 countries. Go to its nett site, www. mcdonalds. com, and determine what plain is its largest market outside the U. S. Do you think it offers more or less luck for future growth than the U. S.? For colligate discussion in the primary Marketing text, see page 67. lucre Exercise MarriottCourtyard by Marriott targets business travelers. Visit the Marriott net site, www. marriott. com, and write down what you think are the serve and determining dimensions for a businessperson choosing Courtyard over Marriotts other hotel options. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 81. Chapter 4 Evaluating Opportunities in the Changing Marketing Environment lucre Exercise Tupperware If you were a new market manager at Rubbermaid, you might be by-lineed in finding out more about Tupperware, an important competitor in some markets.What type of pertinent information could you get by going to the Tupperware web site, (www. tupperware. com)? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 101. Internet Exercise Consumer authorships The Consumer harvest-festival Safety Commission sometimes requires auto makers to bulge recalls. However, not all consumers learn about the recalls. Go to the Consumer Reports web site (www. consumerreports. com/recalls) and check to see if there has been a recall on a year and model of car or truck that is of interest to you (say, one owned by your family). For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 110.Chapter 5 Demographic Dimensions of Global Consumer Markets Internet Exercise CIAs World Factbook Visit the web site for the CIAs World Factbook (www. odci. gov/cia/publications/fac tbook) and par the profile data for Canada and Australia. How are they similar and how are they various? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 133. Internet Exercise JNCO Revatex grew rapidly when its wide-leg JNCO denounce jeans became a hit with teens. Do you think that its web site (www. jnco. com) does a good job good-hearted to teens? why? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 138.Chapter 6 behavioural Dimensions of the Consumer Market Internet Exercise SRIs VALS Go to the SRI Internet site (http//future. sri. com), click on VALS, and then click on direct to the survey to review the VALS questionnaire. If you wish, complete the short questionnaire on-line. SRI will provide you with your VALS profile. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 164. Internet Exercise GAP To make it easier for consumers to visualize how certain fashions will look together, the GAPs web site (www. gap. com) has a get dressed intera ctive feature.Go the GAP web site and check out this feature. Do you think that it makes it easier to judge a potential purchase? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 173. Chapter 7 Business and Organizational Customers and Their Buying Behavior Internet Exercise Computer Discount store At the Computer Discount Wareho enforce web site (www. cdw. com) a buyer can slow compare the features and prices of competing products. Click on desktop computers and then on the CDW Compare feature to do a comparison of two high end computers from two different manufacturers.How helpful would this compend be if you were a computer buyer? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 187. Internet Exercise Thomas Register The Thomas Register has a very comprehensive database of trustys at its web site (www. thomasregister. com). Click on lookup and it will prompt you to register. After you register (its free), search by product/service on the keyword weld ing. How could the information provided by your search help you if you sold a product that was used by firms in the welding industry? How could it help you if you were a buyer feeling for a supplier of welding products?For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 199. Chapter 8 Improving Decisions with Marketing Information Internet Exercise Yahoo Assume that your boss has asked you to do a customer satisfaction survey. As part of a situation analysis, you involve to get ideas about what others contrive done in this area. Go to the web site for the Yahoo search engine (www. yahoo. com). In the dialogue box type customer satisfaction survey (include the quote marks) and click on search. take in at some of the web sites identified. How helpful is this ?How could it be improved? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 222. Internet Exercise Perseus Perseus Development Corporation sells software that allows a user to create on-line questionnaire s that can be distributed by e-mail or used on the Internet. To see consumes of on-line questions, go to the Perseus web site (www. perseus. com) and then click on written report Samples. Do you think that its more convenient for a consumer to complete a survey on-line or with pencil and paper? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 227.Chapter 9 Elements of Product Planning for Goods and Services Internet Exercise Procter & Gamble Go to the Procter & Gamble web site (www. pg. com) and click on P&G Products. Find out the brand names of the different shampoos that P&G makes. How are the different brands positioned and what target markets do they appeal too? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 259. Internet Exercise FDA The FDAs web site has a page on the new food label requirements that proclaims grocery store aisles have become avenues to greater nutritional knowledge. Go to that page at Internet address (www. fda. gov/opacom/backgrou nders/foodlabel/newlabel. html) and review the actual label requirements. Do you use this information in deciding what products to buy? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 262. Chapter 10 Product Management and New-Product Development Internet Exercise WebTV A number of software, hardware, and program firms are working on products that deliver Internet information via TV. Explore the WebTV web site (www. webtv. com) to find out about one aspect of this idea.Do you think that many people will be enkindle in quickly adopting WebTV? How does it stack up when you consider the characteristics of an innovation reviewed above? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 275. Internet Exercise Marketing Intelligence Service Marketing Intelligence Service, Ltd. is a U. S. -based firm that crosscuts new consumer packaged goodsboth successes and failures. Go to its web site (ourworld. compuserve. com/homepages/mktgintelsvc) and click on the Whats Ne w button and then review its selections for new product innovations of the year.Do you think that these products offer customers superior value, or are they just me-too imitations? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 283. Chapter 11 Place and Development of Channel Systems Internet Exercise Gateway Gateway is a computer company that uses direct distribution to its customers in the U. S. Go to the Gateway web site (www. gateway. com) and think about how it is organized. Given that Gateway doesnt use different channels of distribution to reach different types of customers, how does it segment the market?For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 301. Internet Exercise Avon Avon sells cosmetics and other products through independent gross sales representatives (agents) and also though a catalog (both on-line and printed). appraise the Avon web site (www. avon. com). Do you think that Avons independent sales representatives would view the we b site as competing for their customers purchases and a source of conflict or would they think that it helps them promote the product and let out new prospects? relieve your thinking. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 317.Chapter 12 Distribution Customer Service and Logistics Internet Exercise Virtual Logistics Directory Large corporations often turn to other firms that specialize in logisticstransportation and warehousing services, consultants, developers of computer systems, and the liketo help implement the physical distribution aspects of their marketing strategies. The web site of the Virtual Logistics Directory (www. logisticdirectory. com) contentions many logistics specia cites and what they do. Go to the web site and select the integrate Logistics category.Review the descriptions of some of the firms listed, and then pick one. Explain why a large corporation with a logistics hassle might seek its help rather than just trying to tackle the pro blem internally. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 329. Internet Exercise North Carolina Ports Authority A firm that is just starting to export to international markets may inadequacy help figuring out what shipping services are available. The North Carolina Ports Authoritys web site (www. ncports. com) helps provide such(prenominal) information.Go to the web site, select Port Services, and review the different firms and agencies that might be able to provide you with help if you had to ship a large quantity of furniture to the Middle East. Identify an organization from those listed that you might want to contact first, and indicate why. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 334. Chapter 13 Retailers, Wholesalers, and Their Strategy Planning Internet Exercise INTERSHOP INTERSHOP Communications develops and sells software that companies use to create virtual stores for Internet retailing.For example, it allows a seller to create an o n-line catalog that is easy for consumers to use and it has tools for analyzing sales and keeping track of customers. Go to the firms web site (www. intershop. com) and select Products. Review the information provided. (If your computer is equip to view RealVideo video, you might also want to watch the demo. ) Do you think it would be easier for consumers if all Internet sellers used a common system, such as this one, rather than coming up with many different arrangements? short explain your thinking. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 359.Internet Exercise Fastenal Visit the Fastenal web site (www. fastenal. com). Check out the different aspects of the Fastenal web site. Give examples of slipway that the web site is intended to help Fastenals customers and suppliers. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 370. Chapter 14 PromotionIntroduction to Integrated Marketing Communications Internet Exercise Sony Sony produces a very wide va riety of products. Does the information available on the web site (www. sony. com) appear to be part of an integrated marketing communications effort? Explain your thinking.For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 386. Internet Exercise Campbells soup Visit the Campbells Soup web site (www. campbellsoup. com). Does the web site make it easy for you to get information? Does it make you want to spend more time and get more information? Explain your answer. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 395. Chapter 15 Personal Selling Internet Exercise propel Tape Company The Motivating Tape Company sells various sales reading videos. Go to the firms web site at www. achievement. com and then scroll down and select Sales Training.Review the list of sales training videos offered. If a sales manager were going to rely on some of these tapes for training people just moving into a sales career, what key areas of sales training would he have to cover by some other approach? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 427. Internet Exercise Symantec Symantec is the maker of various software products, including ACT personal management software that is used by many salespeople to organize information about their customers, sales calls, and tasks they need to do. Visit the ACT web site (www. ymantec. com/act) for information about this product. Give a few specific examples of ways that a salesperson could use ACT to build better relationships with customers. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 431. Chapter 16 Advertising and Sales Promotion Internet Exercise NarrowCast Media NarrowCast Media is an Internet firm that provides services for firms that want to advertise on the Internet and also for web sites that host Internet advertising. Go to its web site (www. narrowcastmedia. com) and read about NarrowCast Medias various services.Briefly describe the of import benefits it provides for advert isers and the main benefits it provides for host sites. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 455. Internet Exercise Catalina Marketing Catalina Marketing Corporation is a supplier of in store, electronic scanner activated consumer promotions. Go to the Catalina web site (www. catalinamktg. com) and select Manufacturer Solutions, then review information about its Sampling Programs. Briefly describe, in your own words, how the sampling program works and describe a situation in which a manufacturer might find it useful.For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 468. Chapter 17 Pricing Objectives and Policies Internet Exercise International Currency Converter Xenon Laboratories has set up a web site with a system that uses current exchanges rates to convert one countrys currency to another. Go to the web site (www. ausmall. com. au), scroll down to the reference instalment, and click on International Currency Converter. How much is a $100 U. S. worth now in Thai bhats, British pounds, and German marks? How do those number compare with June of 1998 (See Exhibit 17-6)?For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 486. Internet Exercise ValuPage Catalina, a firm that specializes in targeted sales promotions, set up an on-line system called ValuPage. Consumers can print out a sheet with a list of discounts that sponsoring supermarkets redeem with web buckswhich the consumer can then use for any future purchase at the store. Go to the web site (www. supermarkets. com), enter your zip code, and review the system. Do you think this system will be more or less susceptible to fraud than regular coupons? Explain your thinking.For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 492. Chapter 18 Price Setting in the Business World Internet Exercise Sporting Auction Evergreen Information Technology launched an Internet auction site for many different categories of sporting goods. Go to the auction web site (www . sportingauction. com) and review the activities in two auction categories, one for a sport that is in season and another sport that is not. For example, you might compare snowboarding and golfing. Do you think that season makes a difference in the bidding activity? Explain your thinking.For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 524. Internet Exercise Tiffany Tiffany & Co. is widely recognize as one of the worlds premiere jewelers. It commands high prices for what it offers. Go the Tiffany web site (www. tiffany. com) and review the different sections. Do you think that the web site communicates superior customer value to the Tiffany target market? Explain your opinion and point to specific aspects of the web site that support your view. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 528. Chapter 19 Implementing and Controlling Marketing Plans Evolution and RevolutionInternet Exercise BaRaN Systems BaRaN Systems Ltd. has developed a software produc t called SQC for pass that works with the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program and makes it easy to do the types of analysis that are useful for quality management. Go to its web site (www. baran-systems. com) and click on the link for SQC for Excel and then at that web page scroll down and look at the quick turning section. What is it about the graphs that makes it easy to see which areas need special attention? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 544. Internet Exercise CopernicusCopernicus The Marketing Investment Strategy Group has developed a comprehensive procedure, The Copernican Decision Navigator, that its consultants have used as the basis for performing marketing audits for many study corporations. The procedure determines if the firm is using best practices in planning and implementing its strategies. Go the Copernicus web site (www. copernicusmarketing. com), scroll down to the items under about Copernicus, and select the link for Marketing Bes t Practices. Review what is involved in the Copernicus procedure. What are the advantages of having outside experts do this sort of audit?For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 562. Chapter 20 Managing Marketings Link with Other Functional Areas Internet Exercise Cductive CDuctive offers an on-line service in which the customer selects certain tracts of music and, for a fee, CDuctive will create a custom CD of those selections. Explore the CDuctive web site (www. cductive. com), and then list what you think are the major (1) strengths and (2) weaknesses of its approach. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 578. Internet Exercise ITW ITW, Inc. has a variety of different businesses that produce different products.Go to the ITW web site (www. itwinc. com) and then select the list of other ITW web sites. After you briefly review the descriptions of ITWs different web sites, select ITW Brands and study it in more detail. From a cost standpoin t, does it make sense to have a unit like ITW Brands? Why or why not? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 581. Chapter 21 Developing Innovative Marketing Plans Internet Exercise Survey of Buying Power The Survey of Buying Power has an on-line site that is available on a pay-for-use basis. However, a sample section is available without charge.Go to the web site (www. sbponline. com) and select Samples and then select Samples of Site97. Look at the Income Trend Report (and others if you wish). How would this information be helpful to a retail chain that is considering a new facility for this sample market? For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 604. Internet Exercise Maytag Go to the Maytag web site (www. maytag. com) and review the information about the Neptune line. Do you see any reference that the strategy for Neptune is changing from what is described in the case that introduces this chapter? Explain your point of view.For related d iscussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 614. Chapter 22 Ethical Marketing in a Consumer-Oriented World Appraisal and Challenges Internet Exercise Ikea Ikea is an innovative furniture company that is using its web site to tweak its strategy. It has always relied on information technology to keep costs low by tracking sales at individual stores and using the information to control inventory and reduce shipping costs between the factory, distribution centers, and its massive retail stores. Go to the Ikea web site (www. ikea. com). What else does the web site tell you about Ikeas strategy?Will the web site help Ikea offer superior value? Explain your answer. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 629. Internet Exercise clear Implementations Obvious Implementations Corp. is a small consulting and manufacturing firm. Go to its web page (www. obviously. com) and then select How to stop tear apart mail, e-mail and phone calls. Read through the information and , if you wish, follow some of the links to other sites listed. Should it be easier to avoid mail, e-mail, and calls you dont want? Explain your thinking. For related discussion in the Basic Marketing text, see page 636.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Hunger Games-Lessons Learned

The Hunger Games was about the importance of keeping your identity when you are fighting for your life history. This theme do me question myself on what I would do under the same circumstances. Wicked I fight for my life given the situation? Wicked I do whatever it takes to stay alive eve if it meant committing finish? Wicked I be able to keep my self-worth and morals during this, or would I only if brook myself along the way?PETA Mallard and Catkins Evergreen both had to make these hard-hitting decisions hen they were forced to struggle in the reality TV show The Hunger Games, where there is only one rule go through or be killed. PETA and Catkins are both from District 12 where they are exposed to starvation, war, violence and poverty. display board is divided up into 12 districts where they are ruled under the Capitol. The Capitol is where all of the powerful and wealthy live, enforcing unpleasant laws to the 12 districts.Because of this society, they have been conditione d to know that no occasion what you are doing you quiet need to honor your pride. PETA however, is different. Past competitors have done anything in their power to stay alive, but PETA believes that when he dies he shall still have his dignity with him. l could think of a way to show the Capitol they dont own me. That Im more than Just a piece in their games. This quote by PETA shows that while others around him will do anything to survive, he will still think straight and die as himself.Throughout the book, Catkins is constantly struggling to find herself. Im non really sure who I am, what my identity is. This idea scares me some. Catkins doesnt get attached to people easily, she is hot tempered, feisty and independent. The result of Catkins quest to find herself, was her recognizing her hatred for the Capitol. When her ally Rue was killed, she covered her body in flowers and strain to her. This was considered an act of rebellion, because although she was doing what she tho ught was right, she was only going against the Capitols ways.Also, at the end of the games, PETA and Catkins refused to kill each other by faking a bubble suicide attempt. They both wanted to live and die as themselves and preserved their dignity, even when others cracked under the pressure. In The Hunger Games, Catkins and PETA stood up for what they believed in. Instead of Just acknowledging the injustice they were faced with, they started a rebellion by doing what they thought was the correct thing. This book taught me to stay true to who you are no matter how drastic the situation, and to fight for my values and morals.

Friday, May 17, 2019

‘Of mice and men’ Several Characters Essay

Q In of mice and men several causes show they view as hopes and dreams of a better future. Explain wherefore you think this is what the character gain or drop away from their dreams.A dream is something you indulge in, to send for a moment from life. This seems to be the circumstance that John Steinbeck intended his characters in Of Mice and Men to dream in. They are all(a) craving for something in the case of George and Lennie, that something is land. They are not the first travelling bed covering hands to impeach up images of their own land, or of being their own bosses. This dream is similar to the Great Ameri hindquarters Dream, that you can achieve anything if you have the mind and desire to do it. up to now I will explain how the characters in Of Mice And Men gained and lose from their dreams.To begin mind-seth, the two main characters, George and Lennie. Their dream is to have call their own land, besides that is mostly Georges dream, Lennie wants to look later on the rabbit, since he likes to tend soft things. Lennie is introduced in the refreshed as a animal imagery, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulder and he walked severely dragging his feet a little, the way bears drag his paws. He acts like a little child and he looks up to George as guidance. At times George wishes he didnt have to put up wit Lennie, but you realise that they cant live without each other, they need each others company, I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you.Yet carrying on about George and Lennies dream, there is a gain and lose of the dream. They have a sense of hope, we got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. This way by George and Lennie having each other, the there would be a sense of hope with their dream, for their future, for them to look forward together. During their evil times at the bed covering, they have the dream to look forward to, which the dream gives a sense of purpose, to escape from reality.When their dream will come true, they will be free from prejudice they wouldnt have anyone treating them with disrespect. besides one of the most important facts that George will gain is to be in charge of own destiny, a sense of ownership, an itd be our own. He has an idea of the kind of place he is looking for, got a little win mill. Got a shack on it, an a chicken run. Got a kitchen, orchard, cherries, apples, peaches, cots, nuts, got a hardly a(prenominal) berries. Theys a place for alfalfa and plenty water to flood it. Theys a pig-pen. However there is a lose of this dream, a lose of hope and touch with reality.When they arrive at the ranch where they will be working the first person that they meet is an older gentleman named Candy. Candy has lived a long and hard life on the ranch and has nothing to show for it. During his time on the ranch he has lost his hand, grown old, and feels that he has become worthless. The name Candy is an interesting one for this character though. When you think of candy you see children eating it while running around in the yard having a good time without a care in the world. This is the exact opposite of what the character in the novel is.The restless fiend of age has caught up with him and he is not able to move as libertine as he once did even his dog is unable to move about. Candy and his dog have good bond relationship they have each other like George and Lennie. When George and Lennie reveals their dream, Candy become evoke and wanted to share the dream, spose I went with you guys. Tha three hundred an fifty bucks Id put in. I aint much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens and till the garden some. Howd that be? Candy wants to share this dream since he wants to be use, since how candys dog was treated. His dog was killed, since it was no use and candy doesnt want to be useless.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Nonpoint Source Pollution

Nonpoint witness defilement is land runoff from drainage, rain, and seepage and hydraulic modification. It is caused by rain or snow melt that moves through and through and everyplace the understanding. When the runoff moves, it collects and picks up manmade and innate(p) pollutants and ends up spilling into lakes, rivers, streams, and coastal wet. Nonpoint source pollution screwing include things like motor oil, toxic chemicals, fauna droppings, trash and even insecticides. Our imbibing water needs to be protected. It takes the help of the society, public water systems and alternative managers.We can do small things such as posting signs in our community to let others accredit that any pollution in the area can contaminate our everyday whoop it uping water. You can as well be careful as to how much fertilizers and pesticides you use because the more you use, the more runs off when it rain and it is in the soil as well so when the rain wipees the soil, it flows through storm drains. A great figure is to get a group together and help clean up along local rivers and streams and along side of the road.It helps to limit the trash and bacteria that contaminates our water. Other solutions to help prevent non point source pollution and help keep our water clean is to keep all harsh chemical substances stored away from the ground and in their original containers. Also, If you happen to wash your car, dont allow the runoff to drain into the streets or the sewage system as it will contaminate it. Opposing views of these issues are perhaps people not agreeing to get up and go volunteer because they arrive at better things to do.Some people see it that the city is suppositious to take care of it. Some people wont want to change the location of where they wash vehicles at. They all want convenience of course. Many people do not have proper inspections of their lawns that have been fertilized. They can be tested by professionals but people will oppose to bec ause it will coif with a fee, and others do not have their septic tanks cleaned out every few years because of the equipment casualty as well.Non point source pollution also contributes to eutrophication which is runoff that has nitrogen and phosphate in it and it stimulates the development of algae and it can harm and kills tip and organisms. The algae grow to make a mat over the water and on the floor of the water that diminishes the light through the water so it lowers the growth and productiveness of other plants. The water becomes depleted in oxygen. When the abundant algae die and decompose, much oxygen is consumed by those decomposers.Oxygen in the water is also lowered by the lack of primary production in the darkened, deeper waters. let down oxygen results in the death of fish that need high levels of dissolved oxygen such as trout, salmon and other desirable sport fish. The community composition of the water body changes, with fish that can tolerate low dissolved oxyge n, such as carp predominating. As you can imagine, changes in fish communities have ramifications for the rest of the aquatic ecosystem as well, acting at least in part through changes in food webs. (Muir, P. 2009)Some challenges that my plan faces is that its not very easy to get others to partake in community service and to also notice the small things they do really contribute to non point source pollution in my community. It takes a group effort to raise awareness on this issue, but if everyone pulls together, our make happying water will be cleaner, our lakes ponds and rivers will be safer to swim and fish in and the plants and animals in the habitats of our waters will be safer and not endangered by our hazardous wastes.This plan effects the entire community and can become a very productive and positive way to protect our environment and ourselves. Our children drink the water we contaminate, even though it has passed through water treatments, it is still not clean enough to drink safely. We can also consider raising awareness groups and contacting your local news stations to get the sacred scripture out to your community and also have your coworkers get involved as well. References Muir, Patricia. Oct. 2009. Eutrophication. At people. oregonstate. edu

Stakeholders of Marks and Spencer Literature review

Stakeholders of Marks and Spencer - Literature review ExampleCenter of discussion in this paper is the go with that has a global reputation in fashion. It has many stakeholders who have helped build a global reputation. The component part of stakeholders to the welfare of the connection is rattling crucial. The federation strives to maintain a high level and effective talk with its stakeholders. Marks and Spencer has both internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders include the staff, management, owners, and shareholders. Staff and management devote era working for the follow in order to earn a source of livelihood. Approximately, the bon ton has 78000 workers. On the early(a) hand, owners stand as internal stakeholders because the companys profits are a source of income to them. Shareholders countenance the company with capital of expansion while anticipating an increased a higher value of their shares as the company continues to make profits. On the other ha nd, it has stakeholders from the external front who include customers, suppliers, competitors or substitutes and the public. The customers play a very crucial role as stakeholders. They buy the companys products to derive a form of advantage from them and through this way, the companys changes increase. Suppliers form the other category of external stakeholders of the company. Through the sale of goods to the company, they gain profits while the company utilizes the supplies in its business. The public forms a larger category of stakeholders because the companys products create an impact on the welfare of the society. ... Each of the stakeholders exerts a form of pressure that affects the stand up of the company. Therefore, the type of communication and relationship that the company maintains with to each one of the stakeholders affects it. This has necessitated the company to have different forms of communication with each of its stakeholders. Relationship of the Organization w ith its Stakeholders The founders of Marks and Spencer emphasized on the importance of maintaining an effective and consecrateworthy relation with its stakeholders at all times. The basis of the relationship is the crucial value of trust. Trust has been the companys value for the company for a long time. The companys corporate and social responsibility department concentrates on formulating strategies of trust enhancement. The company strives to stay updated on the expectations of its stakeholders as circumstances change. For example, the emerging need for production and promotion of sanitary food products has placed higher expectations from the customers. In addition, the public expects the company to maintain the trust by producing products that turn in limited adversity to the environment. The company has to maintain its trust with stakeholders at different fronts because the future of the company depends on these stakeholders (LEtang, and Pieczka, 2006216-225). In all of its dealings, the company believes strongly in using the refine approach to tackle the right things. Marks &Spencer and its Customers Customers form the most important category of stakeholders of any organization. The same applies for Marks and Spencer. According to Davis (2010), the company realizes this important aspect and makes efforts to

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Cask Of Amontillado Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Cask Of Amontillado - Essay ExampleThe design in which the author brings out his pass along in the Cask of Amontillado recital would be that people should always be handleful whenever they are lecture bad about other people. The issue of trust is also quite common in this bilgewater (Poe, 23).The authors main point is primarily from Montresor who is the storys main vitrine. Alternatively, the author shades light on how Montresor exacts his revenge throughout the story and his self-satisfied reaction to the outcomes of the tragedies (Poe, 28). As ratifiers of the story, the readers might be tempted to judge Montresor as a cold-blooded murder and an unreasonable character since his presentation to us is his short motivations. However, there is the other side of Montresor where he has good will pretense and has careful Fortunato manipulation, which generally indicates care upon the planned Fortunatos death. The readers have also a classic Poes case as an perfidious narrator . Throughout the story, his guilt and irrational nature tends to stop him from presenting himself as a truthful narrator to the reader (Poe, 40).On a closer inspection of the story, it is quite evident that Montresor has a black sense of humor. This character amuses the horrified reader especially when he directs Furtunato into his trap. By doing this, Montresor informs the audience regarding his intentions thus before the start of the story of his happenstance with Fortunato. On the other hand, Poe employs both dramatic and communicatory irony in conveying the repulsiveness of the Cask of Amontillados story. Verbal irony in this case is used to illustrate how the speaker contrasts his literal nub with the speakers actual message. Alternatively, Montresors dialogue use in the story demonstrates the use of verbal irony (Poe, 35). There is also the aspect of dramatic irony in which the author uses throughout the story.spectacular irony is generally as a result of disconnection whic h mainly occurs